Project Description

Reading Time: 6 mins


If you believe scientists and environment engineers over business people in boardrooms and their ever-voracious shareholders, then stopping Woodside’s proposal to drill dirty gas wells at Scott Reef and pump waste CO2 under the reef is an absolute no-brainer.

The gas that could be extracted from the 50 or more Woodside gas wells would be processed onshore on the north-west Kimberley coast of WA, then shipped overseas with very little benefit to the Australian people not holding Woodside shares. The profits to Woodside and the benefits to Woodside shareholders would be enormous, especially if the cheap and easy method of CO2 disposal under the reef is allowed. It should be noted that Woodside’s CO2 disposal method is as yet unproven and threatens damage or destruction of Scott Reef and inhabitants.

Tania Plibersek must veto this proposal now before it gets lost in a swarm of less important election issues.

See this beautiful, and so far unspoiled, part of the world in the video from Conservation Foundation of WA.

Published: 10th January 2025

Keywords: Scott Reef, Woodside, Tania Plibersek, Tim Winton, Brinkley Davies, John Butler, Jess Beckering

Author: Robert Watson

Sources: Conservation Foundation of WA, The Guardian, Greenpeace